1 to the best of one's abilities
English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > to the best of one's abilities
2 to give free play to one’s abilities
to give free play to one’s abilitiesproporcionar ambiente em que alguém possa desenvolver livremente as suas aptidões.English-Portuguese dictionary > to give free play to one’s abilities
3 to rave about one’s abilities
to rave about one’s abilitiesfazer alarde de suas qualidades.English-Portuguese dictionary > to rave about one’s abilities
4 To the best of one's abilities
• To the best of one's abilities [power] Как можно лучшеDifficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > To the best of one's abilities
5 to harmonise (one's) aims and wishes with (one's) abilities
Общая лексика: соразмерить (свои) цели и желания со своими возможностямиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > to harmonise (one's) aims and wishes with (one's) abilities
6 apply one's abilities
Математика: прилагать свои способности -
7 cultivate one's abilities
Общая лексика: работать над собойУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > cultivate one's abilities
8 to the best of one's abilities
cik vien labi iespējams -
9 the best of one's abilities
10 to the best of one's abilities
Новый англо-русский словарь > to the best of one's abilities
11 to the best of one's abilities
в меру своих сил/способностейEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > to the best of one's abilities
12 abilities
s [pl] duševne sposobnosti,darovitost,talent / you doubt my # to do it? = sumnjate li da sam to kadar učiniti?; to the best of one's # = kako najbolje (može)* * *
talent -
13 one with commendable broadcasting abilities, yet an appearance of far lesser appreciation
Jargon: face for radioУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > one with commendable broadcasting abilities, yet an appearance of far lesser appreciation
14 To the best of one's power
• To the best of one's abilities [power] Как можно лучшеDifficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > To the best of one's power
15 to harmonise aims and wishes with abilities
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > to harmonise aims and wishes with abilities
16 ability
əˈbɪlɪtɪ сущ.
1) способность, возможность делать что-л. (at, in;
to+inf.) ability to hear ≈ способность слышать ability to pay climbing ability cross-country ability germinating ability inborn ability innate ability natural ability negotiation ability spring ability
2) способность как мера (по умолчанию высокая) умения что-л. делать;
дарование to appreciate, recognize ability ≈ ценить способность ability in doing smth., to do smth. ≈ ловкость в каком-л. деле to demonstrate, display, exhibit, show ability ≈ проявлять способности, демонстрировать умение to treat smth. with ability ≈ умело справляться с чем-л. ability to write well ≈ владение слогом to be possessed of great ability ≈ быть одаренным a person of great ability ≈ человек с большими способностями, человек со значительными способностями a man of small abilities ≈ человек со способностями ниже среднего, немного стоящий в профессиональном плане ability above the ordinary ≈ неординарные способности, талант do smth to the best of one's ability ≈ стараться изо всех сил an ounce of ability ≈ зачаточные навыки He doesn't have an ounce of ability. ≈ Он ни на что не годен, совершенно неспособен делать что-л. ability for music ≈ музыкальные способности Every trader who issues notes beyond his abilities to answer must in the end be ruined. ≈ Каждый биржевой маклер, выпускающий ценные бумаги, не располагая возможностью сделать по ним выплаты, в конце концов потерпит крах. The success attests his ability. ≈ Подобный успех свидетельствует, что у этого человека талант. Each man will be paid according to his ability. ≈ Каждому рабочему будут платить в соответствии с его квалификацией. ability factor creative ability exceptional ability latent ability marginal abilities mean abilities moderate abilities intellectual abilities native ability no mean abilities outstanding ability remarkable ability Syn: talent, capability
3) юр. компетенция, правоспособность ∙ Syn: fitness, aptitudeспособность, возможность;
- * to walk способность ходить;
- a child's * to learn обучаемость ребенка способность, ловкость;
квалификация, умение;
- * test (специальное) психотехническое испытание;
- * factor (техническое) показатель работоспособности;
- a man of * способный или знающий человек;
- * to write well владение слогом;
- * to think clearly способность ясно мыслить;
- * in doing smth. ловкость в каком-л. деле;
- to treat smth. with * умело справляться с чем-л.;
- to the best of one's * по мере сил способность;
дарование, одаренность;
- * for music музыкальные способности;
- to be possessed of great * быть одаренным;
- composing music is beyond his abilities он не способен сочинять музыку( коммерческое) платежеспособность (юридическое) правоспособность, компетенцияability дарование;
a man of great abilities высокоодаренный человек ~ квалификация ~ юр. компетенция ~ компетенция ~ ловкость ~ платежеспособность ~ правоспособность ~ способность;
to the best of one's abilities по мере сил и способностей ~ способность ~ умение~ to meet payments платежеспособность~ to pay ком. платежеспособность~ to save up способность обеспечить экономию~ to supply способность обеспечить поставкуbusiness ~ способность к коммерческой деятельностиconversational ~ вчт. способность к диалогуability дарование;
a man of great abilities высокоодаренный человекprofessional ~ профессиональная способность~ способность;
to the best of one's abilities по мере сил и способностейtunig ~ перестраиваемость -
17 ability
nounhave the ability to do something — etwas können od. (geh.) vermögen
make use of one's ability or abilities — seine Fähigkeiten einsetzen
to the best of my ability — soweit es in meinen Kräften steht
* * *[ə'biləti]plural - abilities; noun1) (the power, knowledge etc to do something: I shall do the job to the best of my ability.) die Fähigkeit2) (a skill: a man of many abilities.) die Fertigkeit* * *abil·ity[əˈbɪləti, AM -ət̬i]nto the best of my abilities so gut [o soweit] ich kannmy \ability to help is restricted ich kann leider nur bedingt helfento make use of one's abilities seine Fähigkeiten einsetzento have the \ability to do sth etw könnento have lost the \ability to do sth nicht mehr fähig sein, etw zu tun\ability to accept risks Risikofähigkeit f\ability to pay Zahlungsbereitschaft f\ability to pay interest Zinszahlungsfähigkeit fsomeone of her \ability is bound to succeed jemand mit ihrer Begabung wird es sicher weit bringenexceptional \ability außergewöhnliche Begabunga man/woman of \ability ein fähiger Mann/eine fähige Frau3. (skills)she is a woman of considerable abilities sie ist eine sehr fähige Frau4. (intelligence) [geistiges] Potenzialmixed abilities SCH unterschiedliche Leistungsstufen* * *[ə'bIlItɪ]nFähigkeit fability to pay/hear — Zahlungs-/Hörfähigkeit f
to the best of my ability — nach (besten) Kräften; (with mental activities) so gut ich es kann
his ability in German — seine Fähigkeiten im Deutschen
* * *ability [əˈbılətı] sability test Eignungsprüfung f;ability to absorb PHYS Absorptionsvermögen;ability to pay WIRTSCH Zahlungsfähigkeit;to the best of one’s ability nach besten Kräften, so gut man kann2. Geschicklichkeit f3. meist pl (geistige) Anlagen pl, Veranlagung f, Talente pl:a man of many abilities ein vielseitig veranlagter Mann;she has unusual ability in this field sie hat ungewöhnliche Fähigkeiten auf diesem Gebiet4. TECH Leistungsfähigkeit f5. PSYCH Ability f (durch Veranlagung oder Schulung bedingte Fähigkeit, Leistung zu erbringen)* * *nounhave the ability to do something — etwas können od. (geh.) vermögen
make use of one's ability or abilities — seine Fähigkeiten einsetzen
he shows or has great musical ability — er ist musikalisch sehr begabt
* * *n.Befähigung f.Begabung -en f.Fähigkeit f.Vermögen - n. -
18 Selbstüberschätzung
f conceitedness; an Selbstüberschätzung leiden umg. have an exaggerated opinion of one’s abilities; weitS. suffer from a swollen head* * *Sẹlbst|über|schät|zungfoverestimation of one's abilitiesdas ist eine Selbstüberschätzung, wenn er meint... — he's overestimating himself or his abilities if he thinks...
* * *Selbst·über·schät·zungf over-estimation of one's [own] abilitiesan \Selbstüberschätzung leiden to have an exaggerated opinion of oneself* * *Selbstüberschätzung f conceitedness;an Selbstüberschätzung leiden umg have an exaggerated opinion of one’s abilities; weitS. suffer from a swollen head* * *f.arrogance n.exaggerated opinion of oneself n.hubris n. -
19 entfalten
I v/t1. (Tuch, Zeitung etc.) unfold; (Zeitung) auch open; (ausbreiten) spread ( oder open) out; rollend: unroll, roll out2. Pflanze: (Blätter etc.) unfurl, open out; (Flügel) Vogel: spread; Schmetterling: open (out) ( oder unfold, spread)II v/refl1. Blüte etc.: open up; Gefieder: open out, fan out, spread out; Fallschirm: open (up), mushroom (out); Fahne: unfurl2. fig. develop (zu into); sich kreativ entfalten develop one’s creative abilities ( oder creative gift); hier kann man sich frei entfalten this is a good place for discovering your (own) potential, there’s plenty of scope for personal development here3. fig. (sich zeigen) display itself, blossom lit.* * *to spread out; to deploy; to develop; to unfurl; to unfold;sich entfaltento unroll; to develop* * *ent|fạl|ten [ɛnt'faltn] ptp entfa\#ltet1. vt1) (= auseinanderlegen) to unfold, to open or spread out2) (fig) (= entwickeln) Kräfte, Begabung, Theorie to develop; (= beginnen) Tätigkeit to launch into; (= darlegen) Plan, Gedankengänge to set forth or out, to unfold, to expoundseine Fähigkeiten voll entfalten — to develop one's abilities to the full
2. vr(Knospe, Blüte) to open, to unfold; (fig) to develop, to unfold, to blossom (out)der Garten hat sich zu voller Pracht entfaltet — the garden blossomed (out) into its full magnificence
hier kann ich mich nicht entfalten — I can't make full use of my abilities here, I'm held back here
* * ** * *ent·fal·ten *I. vt1. (auseinanderfalten)▪ etw \entfalten Landkarte, Brief to unfold [or open [out]] sth2. (beginnen, entwickeln)3. (darlegen)▪ etw [vor jdm] \entfalten to set sth forth, to expound sth4. (zur Geltung bringen)▪ etw \entfalten to display sthII. vr1. (sich öffnen)2. (zur Geltung bringen)* * *1.transitives Verb1) open [up]; unfold, spread out <map etc.>2) (fig.) show, display <ability, talent>2.reflexives Verb1) <flower, parachute> open [up]2) (fig.) <personality, talent> develop* * *A. v/t1. (Tuch, Zeitung etc) unfold; (Zeitung) auch open; (ausbreiten) spread ( oder open) out; rollend: unroll, roll out2. Pflanze: (Blätter etc) unfurl, open out; (Flügel) Vogel: spread; Schmetterling: open (out) ( oder unfold, spread)3. fig (Fähigkeiten etc) develop (zu into); (zeigen) display, revealB. v/r1. Blüte etc: open up; Gefieder: open out, fan out, spread out; Fallschirm: open (up), mushroom (out); Fahne: unfurl2. fig develop (zu into);sich kreativ entfalten develop one’s creative abilities ( oder creative gift);hier kann man sich frei entfalten this is a good place for discovering your (own) potential, there’s plenty of scope for personal development here3. fig (sich zeigen) display itself, blossom liter* * *1.transitives Verb1) open [up]; unfold, spread out <map etc.>2) (fig.) show, display <ability, talent>2.reflexives Verb1) <flower, parachute> open [up]2) (fig.) <personality, talent> develop* * *v.to develop v.to unfold v.to unfurl v. -
20 udnytte
take advantage of, exploit, harness, play on, tap* * *vb( nyttiggøre) make use of ( fx one's abilities),F utilize ( fx one's abilities, one's opportunities, the resources), exploit ( fx one's abilities, nuclear energy, the oil, theresources, water power),( til energiproduktion også) harness ( fx solar energy, water power);(fig) make use of ( fx don't let him make use of you),( misbruge) exploit ( fx workers, one's friends, somebody's good nature), take advantage of ( fx her youth and inexperience);( skaffe sig uretmæssig fordel) capitalize on ( fx he tried to capitalize on his acquaintance with the President);[ udnytte det bedst muligt] make the best possible use of it, make the most of it;[ udnytte hans erfaring (, viden)] draw on his experience (, knowledge);[ udnytte tiden ( godt)] make good use of one's time, make the most of one's time.
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